Monday, March 29, 2010

* Kidding Ourselves Endlessly

Bullets Trump Privilege

Fatal shooting spree continues
By Colin Ross
Staff Reporter
The Yale Daily News

Published Tuesday, March 23, 2010

With multiple gunshot wounds in his left arm and wrist, New Haven resident Jayson Roman, 27, ran three blocks from Edgewood Avenue to St. Raphael’s Hospital on Chapel Street last Saturday. After reaching the hospital just before 4 a.m., he told the staff his friend had also been shot and was in a nearby car, unable to move.
When the New Haven police found the car, a beige Lexus crashed into a fence four blocks down Edgewood Avenue from Pierson College, Roman’s friend, Shawn Alexander, 33,was slumped in the driver’s seat, the engine still running. He was dead from multiple gunshot...

#1 By YC12 5:03a.m. on March 23, 2010

Well this is a bit too close for comfort. Should have gone to Princeton.

#2 By alum interviewer 12:12p.m. on March 23, 2010

Not the kind of headlines we like to see as top students are about to decide which college to attend from among those which have admitted them.

Lets hope the new chief clamps down hard during Bulldog Days

#3 By Tanner 5:13p.m. on March 23, 2010

This will build character for all the future Washington Social Engineers, your not gonna get that kinda education in Princeton, Ithica or Hanover. And face it Brown is on the outskirts and Cambridge ain't Boston. Only Yale and Columbia "inner" city schools.

#4 By Amazing 9:07p.m. on March 23, 2010

Anybody care about the victims or their families? I'm sure this sucks even more for them than it does for Yale's recruiting...

#5 By Heartless Ivy 10:43p.m. on March 23, 2010

Didn't you realize nothing is as important as Yale and the elite beings who dwell within it's ivory towers?

#6 By alum DC 5:23p.m. on March 24, 2010

Tanner -

Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown are all in locations that are basically glorified gated subdivisions for the rich. You couldn't get more boring if you tried. If you want to go to a college that replicates the social experience of Winnetka or Palos Verdes Estates, go to one of these.

By contrast, New Haven is one of the only places left in the United States, that has a top university but is still a place where people of different social classes talk to and see one another.

In terms of shootings, keep them in perspective. These are largely interpersonal disputes and unlikely to impact a Yale student or a resident of New Haven who is not involved in drug or illegal activity.

A student at a place like Yale, Berkeley or Chicago (among the only other elite colleges still located within real communities) is at least 100 times more likely to be killed in a car crash.

#7 By To #6 alum DC 4:04p.m. on March 25, 2010

Surely you are joking.

Columbia, Harvard and Brown located in "gated subdivisions for the rich"?

Here are the cities you mention, ranked by the 2005 violent crime rate on the FBI 1-10 scale:

New Haven (124,791) 8
Providence (173,618) 7
Chicago (2,836,658) 7
Boston (559,054) 7
New York (8,274,537) 6
Berkeley (100,744) 6
Cambridge (100,135) 5

#8 By EMTINESS 11:31 p.m. on March 29, 2010

A graduate student at Dartmouth decapitated his friend a few years ago.

Ithaca has had three suicides in the last two months at Cornell, two off the same gorge's bridges, one day apart.

It is AMERICA and the EMPTINESS of competition that is the problem.


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